Annual Economic Report

Annual Economic Report

Stay informed of the latest graphic industry economic trends with the Intergraf Economic Report.
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Our Economic report ‘The Evolution of the European Graphic Industry’ provides statistical information for the European Union (EU27), as well as the United Kingdom, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. It provides an overview of available data on the European graphic industry (e.g. turnover, number of employees and companies, production values, trade), as well as highlights about the economic development of sectors which are relevant to the printing industry (ink, paper, publishing, books, press, energy and postal markets). It also shows historical developments and comparisons between countries. Official consolidated statistics made available by Eurostat are the main source of information used. The report also features a contribution from our partner Smithers' ‘European print market review’, which includes a 4-year forecast. Information on current trends in selected European countries is provided by Intergraf’s member federations.

The report is available FREE OF CHARGE exclusively for printing companies belonging to one of Intergraf’s member federations.

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Contact: Laetitia Reynaud
