Sustainable Restructuring (2010)

In 2010, Intergraf concluded the EU-funded project (under the European Commission’s Social Dialogue budget line): The Future of the European Print Industry – In Our Own Hands. The Social Partners (Intergraf and UNI Europa Graphical) initiated this project.

At the time of this project’s design, the printing industry in Europe was facing a period of unprecedented change. Competition, in the form of new technologies and price-cutting from local and emerging markets, together with the impact of the global financial crisis, was resulting in company closures at an unprecedented rate. The overall aim of this project was to help printing companies in Europe restructure in a socially responsible way – for the benefit of both employers and staff.

The Sustainable Restructuring project had two primary outcomes. The first was a study based on 9 months of research into the issues facing the industry: The Future of the European Print Industry – In Our Own Hands: What the Industry Says. The second was a supporting toolkit containing advice, guidance and checklists for managers and staff representatives in the printing industry: The Future of the European Print Industry – In Our Own Hands: Restructuring – Your Toolkit to make it Happen.

This study and report are still very relevant for the industry today.

You can download the study here in English, German, Italian, French, Hungarian and Dutch.

You can download the toolkit here in English, German, Italian, French, Hungarian and Dutch.
